We are all imperfect humans, so we can't expect to have had perfect parents or caregivers. Most parents do the best they can. It's just an unfortunate reality that we as their children experienced trauma at their hands. Anything less than nurturing is trauma so the bar is pretty low. We have all experienced trauma in our childhoods. These traumas can still affect us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. They can show up in our work, our relationships, our parenting and even our sense of self-worth.   "Most of our belief systems…

A lot of people in business can talk a good game about disruption, but how many can say they actually personify it? If there's one person who can lay a rightful claim to the title of serial disruptor, it's my guest for this episode number 211, Jay Samit. Jay advances the gospel of disruption everywhere he goes and his radical approach to business has transformed entire industries. As a consultant has spurred innovation in major brands like American Express, AT&T, Coca-Cola, Disney, and LinkedIn to name a few.  "Solve a…

What makes us behave the way we do? Why do our brains keep defaulting back to the same old bad habits? And why is it so hard to scrap those bad habits and replace them with new ones? Why can't we just stick with these new habits that we tell ourselves we want to form? Installing and uninstalling habits sounds easy, but boy, is it a challenge. Whether you want to hit the gym, wake up earlier, quit smoking, or simply be more productive at work, behavior change can feel…

I’ve been podcasting for four years and it feels like just yesterday that the first episode was published. As we wrap up Get Yourself Optimized’s 200th episode, I can’t help but look back and reflect on the last 100 guests who have graciously agreed to be on the show. It was such an honor interviewing some of the best experts, influencers, and trailblazers in the world of biohacking, business, and self-development. So many lessons learned and tips and tricks gained to live a highly optimized life. This special episode is…

Do you run your business or does your business run you? As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get buried in the details and lose sight of longer-term goals while you fritter away your time picking up the slack or fixing minor day-to-day issues. I admit that I get caught up in the minutia way too often. “Majoring in the minors and minoring in the majors,” as they say. Ideally, you should be working smart rather than hard by applying your genius on the highest value activities. The best and probably the…

One of the more powerful books I've ever read is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It was first published over 80 years ago. Since then, it's sold over 70 million copies worldwide. It truly is timeless and has changed many people's lives, mine included. Many millionaires and billionaires have credited the book as a primary reason for their success. Among them is our guest for this episode, John Shin. John is not only a wildly successful entrepreneur but also a motivational speaker, philanthropist, movie producer and author of…

It takes work to be your best self and reach your full potential in life. It's tempting to make excuses when things get tough. Sometimes you might even think about giving up. Then you meet someone who has achieved greatness despite incredible odds and all your little excuses pale into insignificance. Dr. Sean Stephenson is one of those people. Sean was born with a rare bone disorder that stunted his growth. The doctors did not expect him to survive at birth. By the time he was eighteen, he had fractured…

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the average person now holds ten different jobs before the age of 40. With the rise of AI and rapid technological change, this number is likely to increase in the future. The question is, how can you future-proof yourself in your chosen field while avoiding self-sabotaging behavior that can derail your career or get you laid off? Our guest in this episode is Carter Cast. Carter has reinvented himself several times, starting out as Marketing Manager at PepsiCo, moving on to become CEO…

This is an important episode and it probably affects people you care deeply about including yourself, I bet. After all, we've all been through some childhood trauma and what they say is, “What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger,” and as pervasive as domestic violence is, it's never okay. The victims aren't just those who were directly targeted by the perpetrators. The collateral damage always includes the kids, even if their exposure was as a “witness only.” This is called Childhood Domestic Violence or CDV. Our guest is Brian F.…

Tragically, we seem to be facing an epidemic in brain diseases from autism, Alzheimer's, dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. This didn't use to be the case. Is it environmental toxins, vaccines, some epigenetic trigger? One thing we can all agree on is that treating these disorders like ADD, ADHD, autism, Asperger’s and so on with drugs from Big Pharma is not ideal. What if there was another way? According to my guest, Wynford Dore, these and many other learning difficulties like dyslexia can be treated by personalized training that gets…

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