Do you suffer from an autoimmune disease, a thyroid condition, digestive issues, or an unexplained illness? Or maybe you just have conditions that you’ve come to consider normal, such as chronic fatigue, trouble losing weight, or brain fog. Surprisingly, the same treatment can often resolve these conditions and many more. It all has to do with healing your cells. There are five R’s involved in the process: remove the source of toxins, regenerate the cell membrane, restore cellular energy, reduce cellular inflammation, and re-establish methylation. "With the type of toxins…
This is an extremely exciting episode. I have been working for years to get today’s guest Donny Epstein on the show. In 2012, I experienced his healing modalities first hand, and it was a game changer for me. My amazing wife Orion was also there and I invited her on the show to share what it was like working with Donny. She believes that Donny’s work can transform your life, and everyone who is open to it should really give it a try. We have both experienced entrainments from Donny…
You’re only as young as your oldest part. This is why it’s vitally important to ensure that all of your body is functioning at optimum levels instead of focusing on just one organ or system. This extends all the way from the obvious systems, such as the digestive and coronary systems, to the less-obviously important parts of the body, which includes surprising parts like the nose. Thankfully, it’s becoming increasingly possible to reduce and even eliminate the functions of aging. Dr. Eric Braverman joins me today to talk about achieving…
Take a moment to guess what the #1 recreational drug in the world is. Marijuana? Cocaine? Opiates or opioids? Perhaps surprisingly, it’s sugar. That may sound harsh, but when you think about it, it makes sense. Many of us are addicted to it and if you don’t think you are, try going cold turkey for a while!. It’s also much more harmful than many of us realize. For example, if your blood sugar is regularly just 10 points over where it should be, you have five times the risk of…
"Learning reconnective healing is first learning how to receive."Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer For most of my adult life, I believed that healing had to be a hands-on practice rooted in Western medicine. It wasn’t until I was touched by a Oneness monk in India and had a life-transforming awakening, that I understood the spiritual aspect of healing. Now, I want to go one step further. I want to give you insight into a kind of healing that doesn’t even involve touching: reconnective healing. It might sound hard to…
"Embrace your fear to have heightened senses and sharper awareness." Kristen Ulmer How can you become bold and truly fearless? The traditional narrative suggests that the only productive way to address fear is to defeat it. Believe it or not, that’s not actually true. Instead of trying to win a battle against your fear, a far healthier approach is to lean into the fear. You need to fully feel it, accept it, and stop resisting it. In other words, instead of doing things in spite of your fear, do things…
"People are waking up to the fact that we need to get back to some of our ancestral ways" Brian Hoyer Let’s start things off with a few questions. Do you ever keep your phone in your pocket for convenience? Do you talk with it against your face? Maybe most importantly: have you ever noticed the ultra-fine-print disclaimer in cell phone manuals that says to keep your phone a certain distance away from your body? The reason these questions matter is because having your phone too close to your body…
"Everything is light or is derived from light. It is inseparable from life." Dr. Jacob Liberman Light is inseparable from life. Plants, animals and humans all need light to exist and survive. This connection between life and light runs so deep that people have strong intrinsic reactions, both positive and negative, to various colors. As people become more receptive to colors on the light spectrum, they also become more receptive to the life spectrum. Here to dig into all the nuances of light, color, vision, and consciousness is Dr. Jacob…
"Connectedness is understanding that there is an unseen hand that's making moves in the universe." Luke Storey If you’re a faithful Get Yourself Optimized listener, you’ve probably already heard my recent conversation with Luke Storey. Luke, who hosts the Life Stylist Podcast, was already a recurring guest on the show. He originally joined me to talk about fashion in one of my very first episodes. In our more recent conversation, we discussed extreme biohacking, spirituality, and how this combination can lead to a higher level of consciousness. Today, Luke generously…
"Once I made the decision to go from a fashion stylist to a life stylist, I found my real passion." Luke Storey Most of us stop believing in Santa Claus when we’re children. But what if believing in him as an adult enhanced (rather than detracted from) our lives? Because we are fundamentally unable to access ultimate truth, we shouldn’t think of our beliefs as true or false. Rather, we should view our beliefs as either empowering or disempowering. Choosing empowering beliefs leads to an empowered life! Luke Storey explores…